WooCommerce Google Authenticator
WooCommerce Google Authenticator module allows customers to enable/disable the two-factor authentication for login into the store.
- This module allows two factor authentication for the login.
- Module can be enabled/disabled by the admin.
- Admin can exlude users for using google authentication.
- Admin can set the shortcode which will display the google authentication registration form.
- Admin can set the endpoint of the menu on the my accounts page.
- Admin can set the endpoint title of the menu on the my accounts page.
- Admin can enable/disable the sidebar widgets of the endpoint menu on the my accounts page.
- Admin can view the list of users which shows the status of google authentication.
- Customers can enable/disable the two factor authentication from their dashboard.
- Customer can scan QR to register the site into the Google Authenticator app.
- Customer can also enter the secret key to register the site into the Google Authenticator app.
- Customer can check the code verification from the dashboard.
- Authentication code need to be entered while logging into the store.
- Multilingual is also supported with the given .pot file in the plugin.